Wednesday, May 19, 2010


From history of naginata -

  1. The naginata was used in fedual japan

  2. Had a curved blade 2 feet long mounted on a oak shaft 5-9 feet long

  3. Repelled cavalry(could slash horses legs and the falling horse would kill it's rider

  4. Used in close up fighting

  5. Used by women warriors

  6. Could keep attacker at safe distance

From About naginata do

  1. Samurai women used it as self-defense and for self-development

  2. helps to build physical and mental disclipline, grace and awareness of self and others


  1. Japanese martial art of both power and grace

  2. Sweeping movements are used

  3. can be used in competitive fighting or practiced movements of kata

  4. live blade (steel naginata)rarely used today

  5. solid wooden naginata is used for kata and the bamboo and wood naginata in competitive naginata


  1. A wood shaft with a curved blade on the end with finger guard (tsuba) in-between the shaft and shord
  2. Nagitsu is studied more often by women then men
  3. A symbol of social status of daughter's of samurai
  4. The naginata can batter,stab, or hook an opponent and is often spun
  5. The wielder could keep out of reach of attacker


  1. All spiders have some venom that varies in toxicty
  2. A spiders fangs are hollow and are used to inject poison into the venom
  3. Venom paralyzes the victim and helps digest stuff
  4. Spiders bite people out of fear and to protect itself
  5. Patient often doesn't remeber beinng bitten
  6. Bites are small pucture wounds, have reddness, itching, and sweating lasting for a few days
  7. The Hobo spider causes a open, slow healing wound that should be kept clean
  8. Wolf spiders are aggressive and come after their prey and are swift runners.They are also large.
  9. The largeness of the jaws causes tearing of skin and the bite area can turn black
  10. Jumping spider has a bite with symptoms of pain, redness,itching, headaches,fevers,chills,nausea and throwing up.
  11. Bites of these spiders have pain or burning(chronic archidism)pain
  12. In chronic archidism there is necrosis or tissue death when the wound is infected

My bilibgraph

Gilmore, Dr. B"Posionous spiders". Retrieved from

C,Renae 2009."When Spiders attack". Retrieved from

Southern California Naginata Federation 1996. "Additional history of Naginata". Retrieved from

USA. 2010. "About naginata-do". Retrieved from

"Naginata"Retrieved from

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Akhilesh's Biography

Born: July 29, 1996Place of birth: Parin Province, India
Occupation: Demon slayer
Physical Description: Stocky, brown complexion, black hair, plump and athletic figure
Family background- Her Father was a rich land owner and died in America of a stroke. Akhilesh's mother died in childbirth so she never knew her. Her sister Sasha is her only other sibling and older sister.
Events in life- Before living in poverty in America Akhilesh lived in a luxurious farmhouse. She enjoyed going outside and the peaceful silence surrounding her home. She helped to heard sheep and listened to the stories of the servants. Parties were common and Akhilesh was always surrounded by helping hands- hardly ever alone. As a toddler she cried when left alone. A tutor privately gave her lessons as they lived 4 miles from the nearest town. A excellent fighter- she enjoyed and was reckless not caring for any danger facing her. And she felt the champion of the world and ready for fun and excitement. But demons destroyed the plantation and they had to move to America as demons might come after them with violence. In America her Father's death made things worse for Akhilesh and Sasha her sister. Her sister had to work two jobs and was laid off. Akhilesh desperate asked Mary for any jobs his family might have. Mary gets her a job as a type of demon slayer in training under his boss a African American boy Dave, changing her life forever.