Thursday, November 19, 2009

Inuyasha fan's smiles and metaphors

A train slitherling down the tracks like a snake.

The lawn mower devours the grass with dagger teeth.

The Watsons go to Birmingham

1.It was so cold on Saturday, the Watsons sat huddled together under a blanket on the couch.

2. Momma felt the cold the most, because she was from Alabama

3.Kenny and his family lived in Flint, Michigan.

4.Joetta was Kenny's little sister.

5.According to Kenny, the following which was not true was that he tried to make Momma laugh all the time.

6.The weatherman said the tempature in Atlanta, Georgia, would reach the mid-seventies.

7.Dad told Kenny, Byron, and Joetta they were lucky not to be the children of one of Momma's old boyfriends named Hambone Henderson.

8.When she was about to laugh, Momma put her hand over her mouth, because she had a big gap between her front teeth.

9. Which of the following was not a warning Moses Henderson gave Momma about Flint?

C- Because it was so cold, babies were born with lumpy heads.

10. Momma said life in Birmingham, even though it was not perfect, was slower, friendlier, and people were more honest.

11.Since they couldn't contact their landlord about their cold apartment, the Watsons planned to spend the night with Aunt Cydney.

12.The Brown Bomber was the Watsons' 1948 Plymouth.

13.Byron and Kenny were not happy when Dad ordered them to scrape the ice of the car windows.

14.Kenny was agitated, because Byron was not doing his share of the work.

15.The night before, Byron and his friend Buphead had given Kenny lessons in how to survive a blizzard

16. At first Kenny ignored Byron's calls, because he thought his brother was playing another trick on him.

17.Kenny discovered that Byron's mouth was frozen on the outside mirror.

18.Kenny's parents were shook up when they heard that Byron was crying.

19.Dad laughed at Byron's predicament, because he realized that Byrom had been kissing his reflection in the mirror.

20.Kenny could tell Momma was worried, because she started to talk Southern Style.

21.During Byron's ordeal, Dad kept laughing and making jokes about the situation.

22. Pouring hot water on the mirror was not a good idea.

23.With all five of them crying and standing around a car in freezing temperatures, Kenny thought it was no wonder the neighbors called them the Weird Watsons.

24.Momma freed Byron from his predicament by yanking his head away from the mirror.

25.On the way to Aunt Cyndeys when Kenny paid Byron back for punching him in the forehead and for not doing his share of the work, all the Watsons except Byron cracked up.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Inuyasha fan's H.W #31

A song I like very much is Shinjitsu No Uta- which in English is translated as Song of Truth. Another is Rakuen. Lastly, a African song named Mandan. Shinjitsu No Uta and Rakuen are ending theme songs of the anime Inuyasha. The Japanese version sounds better than the English one. When I read the English translation- it sounded a poem. Shinjitsu No Uta reminded me of the harshness of reality and it's sad melody made me sad. It reminds me of the long, troublesome journey and hardships Inuyasha and his allies faced. And it reminds me of sometimes feeling lost in life, wandering without a place to belong. Rakuen is another sad song. It reminds me of how some people in reality have promblems they cannot fix- so they must cope with them with great sorrow. Mandan or Madan is a African song with stringed instruments and drums. It reminds me of long journey's many characters in my own stories and their struggles.
Also, when they must sacrifice something or they lose someone very important to them. It has some melancholy to it. In all three songs I have mentioned, I don't understand a word they're saying. But I have a idea by listening to the mood of the melody. For example, I know Shinjitsu

No Uta is a sad song by the mornful tones of the singers and the depressing screech of the violin in Shinjitsu No Uta. Mandan also has a sadness to it's melody- but I like the instruments used in all three of these songs

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Inuyash fan's African Burial Ground paper

The African Burial Ground is an interesting place. It was once a cemetary filled with corpses of free and enslaved Africans. The entire cemetary itself had a estimated 10,000-20,000 bodies. Yet, despite so large a cemetary, it was lost and forgotten until almost 200 years later.

The Dutch had established the African Burial Ground when they were in control of New York. The Dutch brought slaves from mostly West Africa. The slaves were captured and forced unto ships headed to the New World. Once in New York, the slaves helped to build the city we now know as New York city. Many died- from sickness, starvation, and exhausation. The graves were without tombstones. Sadly,their names are lost to history.

Eventually, the British took control and forced the Dutch to surrender New York. The British paved over the ABG (African Burial Ground). As of result, it was forgotten and lost for almost 200 years until 1991. In 1991, the goverment of New York was building a new building when the construction workers found human remains. ( Though the city knew of the cemetary, the goverment thought it would be destroyed under all the concrete). Construction was stopped and archaelogists investigated. They found 40 percent of the corpses to be that of kids. Only a small plot was recovered with 419 bodies. The rest is lost under buildings and concrete- perhaps destroyed.
A few signs were found with the corpses:
Nsoroma "Guardianship"
Denkyem "Adaptability"
Akomantosa "Understanding"
All these signs are from a West African culture. These signs stand for many things such as Matie Masie which means "Wisdom and Prudence." The African Burial Ground teaches us many things like that art and beliefs of the West African culture. It helps us learn from the past for if we cannot learn from the past we cannot learn from the past, we cannto prepare for the inevitable future.
Sancova- "Learn from the past".